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How to Make a Small Business Website with WordPress in 2024

How to Make a Small Business Website with WordPress in 2024

Businesses need appealing and captivating websites to lure prospects and convert them into customers with a robust online presence.

An appealing and simple business website can turn the tables in your favor. Therefore, businesses need to find WordPress development agencies that deliver a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate, and user-friendly WordPress website that provides delightful results.

This blog explores the best way to start a website for a small business with WordPress.

Let’s dive in:

Why WordPress?

WordPress is a user-friendly CMS that powers around 474 million websites, amounting to nearly 43.4 percent of websites. You can choose WordPress as your CMS for the following reasons:

WordPress Is SEO-Friendly

WordPress websites are SEO-friendly. They rank high on the SERPs and stay there for a long time. So, WordPress is the preferred choice of millions of developers worldwide. Some of the following reasons make it an obvious choice for millions of businesses, startups, and developers.

Connecting with SEO plugins to help with on-page optimization and maximize the blogging potential is easy. It offers easy-to-run SEO practices.

Endless Design Options

WordPress offers endless themes and templates to choose and design a user-friendly and simple business website. A WordPress theme can change the way your website looks. You can browse and select your business-friendly theme for an appealing and user-friendly look.

In addition, you can freely design your contact forms with full functionality with the help of free-to-use plugins.

WordPress is a preferred option for users who want to browse a myriad of options and select the one that best suits their business.

No Coding Knowledge Needed

WordPress is designed for beginners, so you don’t need to mug up enormous elements, semantics, and attributes to write lines of code. You can adjust with easy-to-use plugins and build a simple business website with drag-and-drop features.

Vast Community to Support

Everything about WordPress is documented, and you can easily access helpful resources. If you face any issues, you can quickly discover a forum to jot down your issues and get answers.


WordPress is a safe and secure platform for running a simple business website. It is compatible with the best security plugins and tools to keep your website safe and sound. 

What should you prepare before making a website for a small business?

You need to have two critical elements before building a small business website with wordpress, namely:

  • A domain name: It refers to your business website’s IP address provided by the internet provider (identity or name in numeric forms, as
  • Website hosting: Hosting is the virtual home of a website where all its files are stored.

Simply put, your virtual home’s (website) address is a domain name. You must write a proper address on a mail address to ensure it reaches the right person. Similarly, you must type the exact IP address to get the appropriate website.

Let’s create a site from scratch.

Step 1: Select a unique domain name and a hosting provider.

A domain name is your digital identity, so choose judiciously. Selecting a domain name and hosting provider is the first step, so it is crucial to make a wise selection by going through online reviews and seeking suggestions from other experienced users. 

Consider a hosting provider that offers round-the-clock customer support, easy WordPress integration, and reliable performance. Some preferred choices include SiteGround, Hostgator, Bluehost, and Hostinger.

You can register your domain name with hosting providers as some of them offer free domain names, such as Hostinger. 

Tips to search for an eye-catching and business-friendly domain name:

Domain names are essential to ensuring the success of your online business and website. You have to spend some time before making a final choice by considering some of the following tips, including:

  • Use version as it appeals to a universal audience and is easy to remember.
  • Keep it simple and relevant to your business (for example,, suggesting that the related business is about offering customized themes to businesses).
  • If your preferred domain name isn’t available, add a geographical location next to it. This can increase your visibility in the local search results.

Step 2: Install WordPress

Use the credentials provided by the hosting provider to log in to the control panel.

Install WordPress by selecting your domain and setting up admin credentials. Write down these usernames and passwords to log in to WordPress.

Step 3: Use Your WordPress Credentials to Access Dashboard

Access your WordPress dashboard by clicking with username and password to manage your content, website appearance, and critical settings. Remember to jot down your username and password to ensure seamless access to the dashboard.

Step 4. Install a theme.

Click on “Appearance” and “Themes” to select a theme. click “Add New”, “Install” and “Activate” to make the theme activated on the website. We have some of the best WordPress themes for different businesses. Whether you own a startup or an enterprise, you can easily select suitable WordPress themes for your small-big sized businesses.

Step 5. Customize Your Theme

Open the Customizer to adjust theme settings. Update the site title and tagline and upload your logo.

Simultaneously, you can change fonts, colors, and layout settings.

Step 6. Create Essential Pages

Create essential pages by clicking “Add New” for your website.

Use the editor to add and format images, text, and other elements to add headings, paragraphs, images, and more.

Make your page go live by clicking “Publish.” Repeat the process for other pages like About Us, Contact Us, and Services.

Step 7. Set Up Navigation Menus

Click “Menus” to create and manage menus for your business site.

Click the “Pages” button to add the pages to your menu. These pages can be rearranged by a simple drag-and-drop feature.

Step 8. Install Essential Plugins

Plugins add functionalities to the website. In this step, install essential plugins by visiting “Plugins” and clicking the “Add New” and “Activate” buttons.

Step 9. Configure Settings

Go to “Settings” to update the site title, tagline, and timezone.

Choose a URL structure that’s friendly for search engines, such as “Post name” under “Permalinks.”

Step 10. Add Content

Click “Add New” under the “Posts” section to add content to the website. You can also add images, videos, and other multimedia files by clicking the “Media” button. 

Step 11. Review and Launch

Review your website for small businesses to ensure it runs appropriately across screen sizes and types. 

Test the site’s responsiveness by using Google’s mobile-friendly test.

If everything seems perfect and in order, launch the website.

Step 12. Maintain and Update Your Site

Regularly update your WordPress site with themes and plugins to keep it in order with enhanced performance and security.

Also, use plugins to back up your site’s data to avoid potential loss in case of any issues.

Final Verdict

Creating a small business website with WordPress is a rewarding experience. TrooThemes have a huge collection of WordPress themes to build a user-friendly and extensively featured website for your business.

By implementing the steps outlined here, you will get a structured path to establish a solid online presence for your business through a site. A well-built website will showcase your products and services and build your company’s credibility in the eyes of your customers.

So, start by choosing a suitable WordPress theme from TrooThemes and build your website quickly and efficiently.